The teacher as researcher of his practice Results of the research projects of REMIX first generation. Compiler: Dr. Yolanda Edith Leyva Barajas The Remix Project is an initiative of the Hebraic University, a higher education institution of the Jewish community in Mexico committed to strengthening the network of schools in that community and to education in our country. The Training Program of the Innovative Teachers Network (REMIX) constitutes an effort to strengthen the research competencies of the participating teachers, with the intention of equipping them with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the documentation and systematization of their educational practices and experiences of innovation and change for educational improvement. In parallel, the program aims to consolidate the training of a community of innovative teachers who, by developing skills to analyze their practice, are able to participate in building a culture of improvement and innovation, both in schools of the Jewish Community as in the national and international educational field. In this sense, REMIX constitutes a pioneering program that, as will be seen throughout this book, articulates topics on ICTs, didactic and pedagogical challenges, teacher training and student training.