Actitud de servicio | Sheirut:
“The best way to anticipate the future is to invent it” Alan Key.
According to the Jewish philosopher and historian Salo W. Baron, Judaism is the first culture that established education as a religious mandate for all its generations. The effects of this principle have been manifested throughout history in the high level of scientific, academic and cultural production achieved by different members of the Jewish community and their contributions to Western civilization.
Heirs to this millenary tradition of study, innovation and creativity that has characterized the Jewish people since its origins, at the Hebraic University we seek to translate and enhance these values at the service of our community and the country.
More than 20 years after its foundation, today the Universidad Hebraica serves a large number of students and institutions through undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the areas of Jewish Studies, Education and Hebrew, in addition to numerous proposals to develop human potential in a academic and stimulating framework.
We can express the course of the University, through four strategic lines that guide our actions:
Transformative leadership that aims to contribute to improving the educational quality of our school network and the educational system in general. We must highlight the relevant place that, within this approach, the teacher plays as a key actor of change and particularly, the creation of new teachers in the field of Judaic Studies as a transcendent challenge.
Internationality, an aspect that strengthens the institutional capacities of the UH while enriching its academic alliances with international organizations within and outside the Jewish community, making our institution a link between Mexico and the world’s Jewish community.
The expansion of our academic offer and university extension especially in the areas of Jewish Studies and in the field of teacher training and educational leadership, which allows us to better serve and with a unique added value to Jewish and non-Jewish educational communities, as well as well as the general public interested in our areas of knowledge.
Our regional impact: by assuming our responsibility as the only Jewish university in Latin America specialized in Jewish Studies, Hebrew and Education.
We are a community highly committed to academic quality and the development of people under the premises of Tikun Olam, which in Hebrew means, making our world a better place for all human beings.
This is possible thanks to the commitment of our academics, administrative staff, and the support and encouragement of our community leaders and donors.
The Hebraic University has a commitment to the future, not only of the Jewish community in Mexico and of our country, but also with the Jewish people and Israel.
Join the Hebraic University and be part of our educational community!
We salute you with a cordial Shalom!
Dr. Yehuda Bar Shalom, Rector
Dr. Daniel Fainstein, Dean of Jewish Studies.
Actitud de servicio | Sheirut:
Excelencia | Metzuianut:
Colaboración | Shituf peula:
Honestidad e integridad | Iosher:
Pluralismo y diversidad | Shivim panim latora:
Innovación y emprendedurismo | Iazamut:
Solidaridad | Tikun Olam:
Responsabilidad | Ajaraiut: