The international magazine COACT is an initiative launched by the Hebraica University, the only Jewish university in the Spanish-speaking world specialized in Jewish studies and other related disciplines. The core values of the UH are based on the interrelation of three main concepts: Understand, Act and Transcend (COACT). This academic publication aims to provide a strategic forum for researchers, practitioners, activists, and policy makers concerned with issues related to contemporary world transformations, justice, social responsibility, and the betterment of the global community. From this effort, we intend to encourage readers to understand, act and transcend the world. COACT focuses on the interaction between the different dimensions of society in the context of education, citizenship and social justice. This second issue brings together the works of researchers who specialize in different areas, but who converge on their interest in tikun olam and otherness in its broadest sense. Ben Asher and Roskin examine narrative as a way of looking at personal and professional growth in the context of educational counselors and advisers. Abu Hajaj takes an in-depth look at the difficulties Arab teachers in northern Israel face when trying to professionally integrate into a different culture, that of Bedouin Arabs in southern Israel. Also in the context of the Bedouin of Israel, Blenki reports the success of a new collaborative learning model in the acquisition of the Hebrew language by Bedouin students in a teachers’ college. Edran analyzes the self-perception of religious Jewish Israeli mothers who chose homeschooling for their children. Katz , by examining a midrasic text, suggests new meanings of the Hanukkah holiday. In the last article, Nehmad conceptually elaborates the idea of otherness based on the monumental work of the philosopher E. Levinas. We hope you enjoy this new trilingual issue of our publication and we invite you to make contributions for future issues.